My daughter loves to draw. She’s also very, very good at beating me down in Walgreens and not letting us leave the store until I’ve bought her a trinket, however useless that trinket might be.
That said, every day is an opportunity for improvement and today was no exception. It’s possible I outsmarted my daughter into outsmarting me and we both ended up happy. After the normal stroll down the toy aisle where she said she was dying to have 5 toys that she would definitely never look again moments after we left the store, we found ourselves in the school supplies aisle. Fortunately for me, her eye was caught by these markers, Outline Markers by Wexford. You can also find a larger pack on Amazon.
As I know very little about art and the packaging completely undersold how awesome these are, I wasn’t expecting anything cool when my daughter starting drawing. Before I show you what she did, this is what can be done my larger and more capable hands (that aren’t mine):
So that bro knows what he’s doing, but we end up with a pretty sick metallic dog:

If you can believe it she’s only 17 (or 4). My daughter also added some randomly written letters that spell TOYELMO, which is a actually a thing, and even though it’s not normally written as one word I’m going to count it anyway. MAKE SURE YOU PUT DOWN A TOWEL OR EXTRA PAPERS UNDER YOUR DRAWING OR THE INK WILL BLEED THROUGH TO YOUR TABLE.
The markers also produces a sort of negative of the image on the other side of the paper:

Now TOYELMO spells OMLEYOT which is a type Croation omelet with snail.
If you love your children or are trying to work on your metallic dog art (you can never have too much) check out outline markers. If you love me, buy them through the Amazon affiliate link above.